Vatelavede | Discover Ancona in 21 steps

Polo 9 Società coop. sociale
Web Design / UI/UX
Web App / Front-End dev / UI-UX

The Vatelvade Web-App was developed as an idea by the students of the Volterra-Elia Technical Institute, coordinated by Polo 9 Social Enterprise, as part of the Fabschool project's Hackathon.

The Vatelavade project saw the collaboration with the comic character Il gabbiano anconetato (in english “The Anconetan Seagull”), created by the illustrator and graphic designer Micol Mancini.

This Web-App serves as an interactive map to discover the history and curiosities of the main points of interest in Ancona. Each location is accompanied by a formal description and a curiosity, narrated directly by the "gabbiano anconetano" who acts as a guide.

Illustrations, photographs, and the project's identity were created by Micol Mancini.

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